How to Plan a World Trip? Your Ultimate 12-Step Guide To Better Organization!

how to plan a world trip

Introduction on „How to Plan a World Trip?“

Welcome, everyone, to the start of a great adventure! Whether you’ve traveled a lot or this is your first big trip, planning to travel the world is really exciting.

In this guide, I’ll show you how to easily plan a world trip. I will talk about setting a budget, choosing destinations to visit, packing right, and being ready for anything that might happen.

Plus, if you’re wondering how you can afford a trip like this, read the following article that can help you figure that out.

Let’s get started on making your dream of traveling the world come true! Let’s answer the question you are all curious about – „How to plan a world trip?“.

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How to plan a world trip in 12 steps?

Follow these steps to be perfectly prepared for your world trip!

Set Your Budget: Determine how much money you’re willing to spend on your world trip. Break down the budget into categories such as accommodation, transportation, activities, meals, and miscellaneous expenses.

Define Travel Duration: Decide on the duration of your journey. Whether it’s a few months or a year, the length of your trip will influence your itinerary and budget.

Choose Destinations: Select the countries and cities you want to visit based on your interests, budget, and any specific attractions or experiences you have in mind.

Research Visa and Entry Requirements: Check the visa and entry requirements for each destination. Apply for visas well in advance and ensure your passport has sufficient validity.

Health Preparations: Visit a travel clinic to get necessary vaccinations and medical advice. Pack a basic first aid kit and any prescribed medications.

Get Travel Insurance: Obtain comprehensive travel insurance that covers health emergencies, trip cancellations, and other unforeseen events.

Create a Rough Itinerary: Outline a rough itinerary, including the order of your destinations and approximate timeframes for each location. Be flexible but have a general plan.

Book Accommodations: Research and book accommodations based on your preferences and budget. Options may include hotels, hostels, Airbnb, or even Couchsurfing.

Research Activities: Look into activities and attractions in each destination. Identify must-see landmarks and experiences, but also leave room for spontaneity.

Notify Your Bank: Inform your bank about your travel plans to avoid any issues with using credit cards abroad. Check for international transaction fees and consider obtaining a travel-friendly credit card.

Pack your Stuff: Pack essentials based on the climates and activities you’ll encounter. Don’t forget important documents like passports, visas, and a photocopy of important information.

Be Open-Minded: A world trip is an adventure, and sometimes the best experiences come from spontaneity and openness to new opportunities.

Thysia and Kelvin, the Belgian travel couple behind tastingsunsets, are gearing up for an exciting world trip. Their journey, well planned and rich in anticipation, is documented in their comprehensive world trip guide, a must-read for any aspiring globetrotter. Be sure to check out their guide for insightful tips and detailed information on how they prepared for this grand adventure!!

But for now let’s finally start with the 12 steps how to plan a world trip.

1. Set Your World Trip Budget

Budgeting is the backbone of any trip, especially one as extensive as a world tour. When my boyfriend and I started planning our adventure, the first thing we did was set a realistic budget. This isn’t just about knowing how much money you have; it’s about understanding how far your money can take you in different parts of the world.

Start by assessing your current savings and potential income sources during the trip, if any. Then, research the average costs in your chosen destinations – this includes accommodation, food, local transportation, and activities. Don’t forget to factor in pre-trip expenses like gear, insurance, and flights.

We aim for a balanced approach: not spending too much but avoiding luxury. For example, we choose comfortable yet affordable accommodations, opt for local meals over fancy restaurants, and prefer public transport over taxis. This approach allows us to extend our travel duration and enjoy a wider range of experiences.

Accomodation: You need to set aside some money for a mix of places like budget-friendly hostels, mid-range hotels, and maybe sometimes treating yourself to a bit of comfort. It’s about finding the right balance between saving money and having a comfy place to stay.

Transportation: Think about flights, buses, and any road trips you’re planning. Do some research, book things ahead of time, and try to get the best deals to stretch that budget as far as it can go.

Activities: You’ve got to set aside some money for the things that will make your trip unforgettable. Whether it’s exploring cool places, going on tours, or trying local foods, make sure you have some cash for these awesome experiences.

Everyday expenses: You need to budget for meals, snacks, and little things you might need. Check out local markets and affordable places to eat so you can enjoy the local food without spending too much.

Emergency money is a good idea. Set aside a bit of your budget for unexpected things or if something goes wrong. It’s like having a safety net to handle anything that comes your way.

Remember, your budget will shape your journey. It determines not just where you can go and how long you can stay, but also what experiences you can afford. So, invest time in getting this step right.

Another pro-tip is to stay flexible! Things might change as you travel, and that’s okay. Be ready to adjust your plans and spending as you go. It’s all part of the adventure.

Probably, the most useful thing to get yourself for your world trip are eSIM cards. I can absolutely recommend the ones from Airalo as I have been using them quite often. They offer packages starting from 5$.

2. Set the Duration of Your World Trip

Determining the duration of your world trip is a key decision that influences many aspects of your journey. When my boyfriend and I planned our half-year adventure, we considered several factors: our budget, the destinations we wanted to visit, and personal commitments like jobs and family.

First, think realistically about how much time you can afford to spend away. Longer trips allow for a deeper exploration of each destination, but they also require a bigger budget and more comprehensive planning. Shorter trips might limit your destinations but can be rich in experiences if well-planned.

We found that balancing our desire for extensive exploration with the practicalities of life was crucial. For instance, we chose a duration that allowed us to fully immerse ourselves in the cultures and environments of our chosen destinations without overstretching our resources or leaving our personal lives unattended for too long.

Remember, the length of your trip isn’t just about the number of days; it’s about the experiences and memories you create. Whether it’s a few weeks, months, or even a year, what matters most is making each moment count.

Looking for cool stuff to do on your world trip? Check out Viator. They’ve got tons of tours and fun things that’ll fit just what you’re into. Find your next adventure easy and start making memories!

3. Choose Destinations For Your World Trip

Deciding where to go is perhaps the most exciting part of planning your world trip. For us, it was a mix of long-held dreams and spontaneous choices. Think about what you want to experience: bustling cities, serene beaches, rugged mountains, or rich cultural heritage. The world is vast, and each destination offers something unique.

Start by making a list of places you’ve always wanted to visit. These are your non-negotiables. Then, consider factors like climate, political stability, and cost of living. It’s important to research each potential destination to understand the best time to visit and any safety concerns.

We also looked at how destinations connect with each other. It’s more cost-effective and environmentally friendly to plan a route that flows logically rather than hopping back and forth across the globe. For instance, if you’re in Southeast Asia, exploring neighboring countries like Thailand, Vietnam, and Cambodia in one go makes sense.

Lastly, be open to off-the-beaten-path destinations. Some of our most memorable experiences came from places we hadn’t originally planned to visit. These hidden gems often offer a more authentic experience and are usually kinder to your budget too.

Looking for cool stuff to do on your world trip? Check out GetYourGuide. They’ve got tons of tours and fun things that’ll fit just what you’re into. Find your next adventure easy and start making memories!

4. Research Visa and Entry Requirements

The next step of how to plan a world trip is not the most fun one but quintessential! Before you jet off, take some time to research the rules for entering each country you plan to visit. This involves checking out the visa and entry requirements.

Visa Basics: A visa is like a special pass that allows you to enter a country. Some places require you to get a visa before you arrive, while others might let you get it on arrival. For certain countries, you might not need a visa at all, depending on your nationality and the purpose of your visit.

Research Each Country: Every country has its own set of rules, so it’s important to look into the specific requirements for each destination on your list. Find out if you need to apply for a visa in advance, how long it’s valid for, and if there are any restrictions or conditions.

Entry Requirements: Aside from visas, there are other entry requirements you need to be aware of. Check if you need certain vaccinations or if there are health-related conditions for entry. Some countries might also require you to show proof of accommodation or a return ticket.

Plan Ahead: Visa processes can take time, so it’s smart to plan ahead. Apply for visas well in advance to avoid any last-minute hiccups. Some visas might have specific validity periods, so make sure they align with your travel dates.

Keep Important Documents Handy: Once you have your visas, keep copies of them along with other essential documents like your passport, travel insurance, and any health-related certificates. Having these documents easily accessible can save you a lot of hassle during your journey.

Stay Updated: Rules and requirements can change, so it’s a good idea to stay updated. Check official government websites or consult with embassies and consulates for the latest information.

Understanding and fulfilling Visa and Entry Requirements may seem like a detailed task, but it ensures a smoother and stress-free travel experience.

5. Health Preparations Before the World Trip

Prioritizing health before and during your world trip is essential. My boyfriend and I took several steps to ensure we were well-prepared health-wise for our journey. This preparation is not just about being fit for travel, but also about ensuring your well-being throughout your trip which is why we wanted to include this in our how to plan a world trip guide too.

Vaccinations: One of the first things to consider is getting the right vaccinations. Different countries might require specific vaccines to protect you from certain diseases.

Medical Check-Up: Before you hit the road, consider getting a general health check-up. Discuss your travel plans with your doctor, address any health concerns, and ensure you’re fit for the journey.

Prescription Medications: If you take any prescription medications, make sure you have an ample supply to last the duration of your trip. Consider carrying a copy of your prescriptions and a note from your doctor to avoid any issues at customs.

First Aid Kit: Pack a small first aid kit with essentials like bandages, pain relievers, antiseptic wipes, and any specific medications you might need. Pro tip: When you go to India pack Loperamid, electrolyte powder, healing earth, charcoal tablets and so on. You know why 😉

Travel Insurance: Invest in comprehensive travel health insurance. This should cover medical emergencies, hospital stays, and potential evacuation if needed. Make sure to understand the policy details, including coverage limits and exclusions. If you need a good insurance, this is the one to go with!

Research Local Health Conditions: Be aware of any health conditions prevalent in the countries you’re visiting. This includes knowing about water safety, food hygiene, and any region-specific health risks.

Emergency Contacts: Keep a list of emergency contacts, including local emergency numbers, your country’s embassy or consulate information, and contacts back home.

6. Get Travel Insurance for Your World Trip

Securing comprehensive travel insurance is a non-negotiable part of how to plan a world trip. My boyfriend and I spent a considerable amount of time researching and choosing the right policy. This step is about ensuring you’re covered for unexpected events – from medical emergencies to trip cancellations or baggage loss.

If you haven’t informed about a good travel insurance yet, I got you covered. Check out Visitors Coverage for several plans that they offer. However, there are some things that should you keep in mind when getting insurance.

Comprehensive Coverage: Travel insurance is like a safety net for your journey. It provides coverage for various unforeseen events, including medical emergencies, trip cancellations, lost belongings, and even unexpected interruptions to your travel plans.

Medical Emergencies: One of the primary reasons for getting travel insurance is to safeguard yourself against unexpected medical expenses. Whether it’s a sudden illness, injury, or the need for emergency medical evacuation, having insurance ensures you can access quality healthcare without breaking the bank.

Flight Delays and Missed Connections: Travel insurance often covers additional expenses incurred due to such disruptions, including accommodation and meals.

Peace of Mind: Ultimately, it provides peace of mind. Knowing that you’re financially protected in case of unexpected events allows you to focus on enjoying your travels without worrying about what-ifs.

Still looking for a suitable health insurance for your adventures abroad? VisitorsCoverage is the perfect travel insurance for backpackers so you can tavel with confidence, knowing that you’re protected against unexpected events!

7. How to Plan a World Trip Itinerary

Creating the perfect itinerary for a world trip can be as exciting as it is challenging. My boyfriend and I approached this task with flexibility and a willingness to adapt. Your itinerary is your roadmap, a balance between structure and spontaneity, guiding you through your journey.

Start by identifying the key destinations you want to visit, based on your interests and research. Consider factors like weather, local events, or festivals you might want to experience. We found using a world map and marking our ‚must-visit‘ places helped us visualize our route and decide on a logical travel sequence.

Set Your Priorities: Start by listing the places and activities that are must-dos for you. Whether it’s exploring historic landmarks, trying local cuisine, or engaging in adventure activities, knowing your priorities will guide your itinerary.

Consider Time and Duration: Think about how much time you want to spend in each destination. Some places might be worth a longer stay, while others can be explored in a shorter time frame. Consider the overall duration of your trip and allocate time accordingly.

Be Realistic: While it’s great to have a packed itinerary, be realistic about the time you’ll spend traveling between locations and the potential for unexpected delays. Leave some breathing room to account for travel fatigue and spontaneous discoveries.

Embrace Flexibility: While it’s important to have a plan, be open to change. Some of our most memorable experiences were unplanned, discovered through local recommendations or our own explorations. Be open to go with the flow.

Budget Allocation: Connect your itinerary with your budget. Some destinations may be more expensive than others, so be mindful of your financial plan when allocating time to each place and planning activities.

Also, factor in rest days. Constant travel can be exhausting, so scheduling downtime is vital for your enjoyment and health.

For seamless travel across the country, consider using 12AsiaGo and Busbud to book your transportation. Whether it’s trains, or buses, these platforms offer convenient options to ensure you reach your destinations comfortably and on time.

8. Book Accomodations for Your World Trip

Choosing the right accommodations is a crucial part of how to plan a world trip. For my boyfriend and me, finding the sweet spot between comfort and budget was key. Your choice of stay can significantly impact your travel experience, so it’s worth putting thought into it.

If you need a cheap place to sleep on your backpacking trip check out Hostelworld. It’s perfect for solo trips or group travels, all without breaking the bank. Click here to find your hostel or use the tool down below!

Define Your Comfort Level: Are you looking for hotels, hostels, guesthouses, or perhaps Airbnb rentals? We preferred a mix, choosing budget-friendly hotels or private rooms in hostels for a bit of comfort without breaking the bank.

Mix and Match: Consider a mix of accommodation types. This might mean staying in budget-friendly hostels in some places, treating yourself to a comfortable hotel in others, and perhaps even trying out unique options like Airbnb or Couchsurfing. Variety keeps things interesting.

Location Matters: Staying centrally can save you time and transportation costs, but sometimes accommodations just outside the city center offer better value and a more authentic local experience. We often chose places a bit off the beaten path, enjoying the quieter, more local neighborhoods.

Booking Platforms: Explore different booking platforms to find the best deals. Some platforms offer loyalty programs or discounts for longer stays. It’s worth checking multiple sources to secure the most favorable rates. Our favorites are and Agoda as well as Airbnb. We always mix it up since it depends on location which is the cheapest.

Book in Advance: It’s wise to book your accommodations in advance, especially in high season or for popular destinations. However, leave some flexibility for changes in your itinerary. We booked our initial stays and those in popular destinations ahead of time, but left room for spontaneity in our schedule.

Flexible Cancellation Policies: Given the unpredictability of travel, opt for accommodations with flexible cancellation policies. This provides a safety net in case your plans need to change.

Also, look for accommodations with good reviews and necessary amenities. For us, having a safe place to store our belongings and access to a kitchen were priorities. Remember, where you stay is more than just a place to sleep. It can greatly enhance your travel experience, offering opportunities to meet fellow travelers or locals, and providing a comfortable place to rest and recharge

9. Research Activities for Your World Trip

Let’s focus on the fun things of this how to plan a world trip guide!

Planning activities for your world trip is where your travel dreams begin to take shape. This step is all about discovering the exciting things you can do in each destination, making sure you create unforgettable memories along the way. Explore platforms such as Viator, GetYourGuide, and TripAdvisor to tailor your adventure to your preferences and interests.

Define Your Interests: Start by identifying activities you’re passionate about, whether it’s outdoor adventures, historical explorations, or cultural experiences. Use travel blogs, tourism websites, and social media for ideas and real traveler reviews.

Online Platforms: Consider booking key activities in advance, especially popular ones with limited availability. However, leave some room in your itinerary for spontaneous discoveries, which can often lead to the most memorable experiences.

Local Recommendations: Tap into local recommendations. Connect with fellow travelers, use social media, or explore travel forums to get insights from people who have been to your chosen destinations.

Must-See Attractions: Identify the must-see attractions in each place you visit. These are the iconic landmarks, historical sites, or natural wonders that define a destination. Make sure to include them in your itinerary.

Mix of Experiences: Create a diverse mix of experiences. Balance your itinerary with a combination of cultural, outdoor, and recreational activities. This ensures you get a well-rounded feel for each destination.

Consider Local Events: Check if there are any local events, festivals, or cultural celebrations happening during your visit. Participating in these events provides a unique and immersive experience, allowing you to connect with the local culture.

Free Activties: Don’t forget to include free or low-cost activities like walking tours or hiking. These can be both rewarding and budget-friendly. Above all, remember to respect local customs and minimize your environmental impact to support responsible tourism.

10. Notify Your Bank about Your World Trip

A crucial step on how to plan a world trip is informing your bank! These are three major tips you should follow before embarking on your backpacking adventure.

Travel Advisory: Before you set off, give your bank a heads-up about your travel plans. This prevents them from flagging your international transactions as suspicious and potentially freezing your cards.

Ensure Card Compatibility: Check if your credit and debit cards are widely accepted in the countries you’ll be visiting. Some destinations may prefer certain card types, so having a variety can be beneficial.

Carry Multiple Cards: For added security, consider carrying multiple credit or debit cards from different providers. This provides a backup in case one card encounters issues. We, for example, always have 2 credit cards each. It may be advisable to carry at least one Master Card and one Visa but we were fine with Visa only.

11. How to Pack Correctly for a World Trip

Packing for a world trip can be a painful task, but with the right approach, it becomes an exciting part of the preparation. My boyfriend and I opted for minimalist packing, focusing on essentials and versatility.

The key is to pack light but smart, ensuring you have everything you need without overburdening yourself.

Find the Right Backpack: Invest time in finding the perfect backpack for your journey. Consider factors like size, comfort, durability, and features. A well-chosen backpack forms the foundation for efficient packing and comfortable travel. We chose to travel with 40-liter backpacks, finding them sufficient for our needs while being easy to carry.

Create a Packing List: Once you have your ideal backpack, create a comprehensive packing list. Divide it into categories like clothing, toiletries, electronics, documents, and essentials.

Versatile Wardrobe: When packing, think in terms of layers and multi-use items. Clothing that can be mixed and matched or used in different weather conditions is ideal. Also, prioritize items that are necessary for health and safety, such as a basic first aid kit and any personal medications.

Roll, Don’t Fold: Opt for rolling your clothes instead of folding. This saves space and reduces wrinkles. Consider using packing cubes to keep items organized and make unpacking a breeze.

Travel-Sized Toiletries: Invest in travel-sized toiletries or transfer your favorite products into reusable travel containers. This not only saves space but also ensures compliance with airline regulations.

Travel Documents and Copies: Organize your travel documents in a secure pouch. Make photocopies of important documents like your passport and insurance. Store them separately as a backup in a cloud online.

Lastly, be mindful of the weight and size restrictions of airlines, especially if you plan to take several flights. Keeping your pack light not only makes traveling easier but also helps you avoid extra baggage fees.

12. Be open-minded on your World Trip!

Now, let’s touch on a crucial aspect of this „how to plan a world trip“ guide, that goes beyond physical preparations – the mindset of being open-minded. This is the intangible yet invaluable element that can truly enhance your world trip experience.

Embrace Cultural Differences: As you journey through diverse countries and communities, be open to embracing and appreciating cultural differences. This includes customs, traditions, languages, and ways of life. Approach each encounter with curiosity and respect.

Welcome Unplanned Adventures: While having a plan is essential, leave room for unplanned adventures. Some of the most memorable moments happen when you venture off the beaten path and embrace the unexpected.

Engage with Locals: Take the time to connect with locals. Whether through conversations, shared activities, or attending community events, interacting with the people of the places you visit adds depth to your journey. Listen to their stories and share your own.

Try New Foods: Culinary exploration is a delightful part of travel. Be open to trying new foods, flavors, and local specialties. Even if it’s something unfamiliar, consider it an opportunity to expand your palate and immerse yourself in the local gastronomy. For all those interested in local food, click here for a veggie food guide.

Embrace Challenges: Challenges are inherent in travel, and they often lead to personal growth. Be open to facing challenges with a positive mindset. Overcoming obstacles becomes a part of your journey’s narrative.

Stay Curious: Maintain a sense of curiosity throughout your journey. Approach each day with a sense of wonder and an eagerness to explore. Whether it’s a historic site, a local market, or a hidden gem, let curiosity be your guiding light.

Appreciate the Journey: Lastly, appreciate the journey itself. The people you meet, the landscapes you encounter, and the experiences you accumulate – they all contribute to a rich tapestry of memories. Be present, savor each moment, and relish the beauty of the world unfolding before you.

Being open-minded is the key to unlocking the full potential of your world trip. It transforms challenges into opportunities and turns each day into a canvas for exploration and discovery. So, open your mind, heart, and senses to the world around you, and let the journey unfold in all its magnificent diversity.

Conclusion on „How to plan a world trip?“

In summary, planning a world trip involves careful consideration of numerous factors – from budgeting and choosing destinations to packing and preparing for health and safety.

Throughout this „how to plan a world trip“ guide, we’ve touched on the key steps my boyfriend and I took to ensure our global adventure was both fulfilling and well-organized. By setting a realistic budget, we’ve been able to make the most of our experiences while traveling.

Setting a travel budget is more than just a financial exercise; it’s the cornerstone of a well-planned and stress-free adventure. It’s about making sure you can enjoy all the experiences and destinations you’ve dreamed of, without the worry of running out of funds.

A well-planned budget allows you to prioritize your spending, allocate funds for must-do activities, and ensure you have the resources to handle the unexpected. For a deeper dive into setting the perfect travel budget, packed with tips and strategies, visit this comprehensive guide.

Do not forget to follow me on my socials to stay updated on our adventurous world trip and get some more travel inspiration and don’t forget to share this article with fellow travelers! Until next time!

I hope to see you again soon on this blog. Do not forget to share this How to plan a world trip guide with your friends and family too 🙂

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